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Each level will be within a 12x9 rectangle. At the start of the level, the following information will be provided: The total number of enemies in the level, the number of enemies allowed to reach the Base (exceeding this number will result in an immediate loss), and the initial cost allocation.
A level consists of multiple minion waves. The level starts at the preparation phase of the first minion wave and ends when the player survives all the waves or when the main base runs out of health. When the level begins, the in-game cost starts to increase by one cost per second. Players use this cost to deploy heroes into battle.
Whenever a player destroys a deployed hero, they will be refunded half the cost of that hero. For example, if a hero requires 10 costs to deploy when the player destroys that hero, they will receive 5 costs back, and that hero will need a cooldown period before it can be redeployed. However, this refund only occurs if the player actively destroys the hero; if the hero is defeated by an enemy, the cost will not be refunded.
Each enemy that breaches the defenses and reaches the main base will cause the player to lose health. The number of stars awarded at the end of the level, ranging from 1 to 3, depends on the remaining health, and corresponding rewards will be given.
Whenever a player grabs and drags a hero into battle without specifying the hero's direction of action, or clicks on a hero already in battle to view skill info and manually trigger the ultimate skill, the game will enter a 'Bullet time' state. This state slows the game speed down to 0.5x. Regardless of whether the game is running at 1x or 2x, when entering Bullet time, the speed will also be reduced to 0.5x.
Each minion wave has two phases:
Preparation phase: The larger the minion wave, the longer this phase lasts. During this time, there is a trail showing the path of the upcoming enemies.
Minion release phase: A predetermined number of enemies enter the level, following a set path to the player's main base.
Players can choose to double the speed of the match.
Players can auto battle most levels that have been completed with three stars.